Sunday, September 23, 2007

what's positive thinking like?

positive thinking is like this...a little bird is in the sky.. you look up and it shits in your eye. You don't mind and you don't cry, you just thank God that cows don't fly.


Nani said...

السلام عليكم
ايه التفاؤل ده؟

The Alien said...

مين دا اللي يقدر يفكر بالاسلوب دا
دا يبقي فعلا انسان مش ناوي يتدايق

عجبني جدا كلامك عن العروبة
إحنا فعلا عندنا أزمة ف إننا نسينا إننا مصريين


Mirage said...


very nice actually

you have to be positive all the time even in shit matters :)